


Vector space

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Vector space & subspaces

  • = The set of all n-dimensional vectors.
  • A subspace in the vector space must satisfies:
    • If , in , is in
    • If is in , is in
  • = The set all combinations of &
    • Does equal to ?

      • 我們可以試著證明看看是否還滿足封閉性

Column space & Null space

  • A is a matrix
  • There are two important subspaces of A:
    • Column space
      • which is in
      • any in
    • Null space
      • which is in
  • We said that is solvable if and only if b can be expressed as combination of columns of A
    • 換句話說,b要落在(的column space)中
    • 就是vectors in
  • Nullspace of ()
    • The set of all solutions to
    • We know that is a subspace because:
      • Let's suppose , are two vector in , that is
      • has infinite solutions iff
        • in other words, has exactly one sol. if
      • Are all (which b is not zero)'s solution a subspace?
        • NO
        • If the solution set of has not path through the origin, that means we can combine two solutions of , then generate a new vector which is not in the solution set of

Reduced row echelon form

  • Is there a systematic way that can help us to find ?

    • Yes.
    • Suppose:
  • Reduce A by Gauss Elimination,then get the (upper triangular form) matirx

  • We notice that and are 1,which are pivot variables

  • Let's analyse by formula's perspective:

  • Let's say and are free variables

    • ,
    • So the pivot variable are:
      • ,
  • Finally, we can get the Complete solution

  • Let's say that Complete solution is linear combination of Special solution, which is:

  • = span of columns of

  • Number of special sol. = number of free variable

  • We know how to find N(A) now, but can we do it faster?

    • Reduce row Echelon form
    • Recall matrix, we'll keep reduce it by Jordan Elimination, finally get the matrix:
  • Follow the step below to get N from R:

    1. we know the free variables are and , so fill the N like this(put the matrix into row 2 and row 4 of ): 2.Multiply remaining elements in by -1, then put them in N
  • = #pivot of A

    • #free variable = n -

General solutions

  • Suppose Ax = b, let's say x is General solution, which means:
    • means complete homogeneous solution to
    • is solution to which all free variables are 0
  • So,
  • 這就代表只要存在,就一定會有解
  • 如果存在,則有機會無限多解
  • 如何檢驗?
    • r = n r < n
      r = m 1. 3.
      r < m 2. 4.
    1. 的維度與相同,且也與未知數個數相同(無free variable)
      • 唯一解,
    2. 的維度小於,且沒有free variable
      • Full column rank
      • 無解或者唯一解
    3. 的維度與相同,有free variable
      • Full row rank
      • 不僅存在,連也存在
      • 無限多解
    4. 的維度小於,有free variable
      • 無解或者無限多解

Independence, basis and dimension

  • v1, v2, ..., vn are independent if
    • only the trivial combination gives zero vector.
    • otherwise, they are dependent.
  • How to find the independent vectors in a span?
    • Reduce the matrix to ,the column vector which has pivot is independent vector.
  • We can also say that, a matrix is linear independet if
    • full column rank
  • A basis of a subspace is a set of vecotr v1, ..., vn
    • are independent
  • Dimension
    • dim V = number of basis vecotrs in V
  • conclusion
    • The columns of are independent
    • ()
    • rank = n(no free variable)
      • 也就是說A中的向量剛剛好就是basis中的向量

, , ,

  • Column space
    • Notation is
    • In space
    • The set of all combination of columns of
  • Null space
    • Notation is
    • In space
    • The set of solutions to
  • Row space
    • Notation is
    • In space
    • The set of all combination of rows of
  • Left Nullspace
    • Notation is
    • In space
    • The set of solutions of
    • The reason why we call it "Left":
      • , ,
      • 乘在A的左邊,使其為零,因此得名
  • Finding basis of these four space
  • The basis of
    • Pivot cols of
  • The basis of
    • Columns of the nullspace matrix
    • = # free variables =
  • The basis of
    • Pivot rows of
    • Notice that but
  • The basis of
    • There is a matrix call that can reduce to
  • Rows of generating zero rows in are basis of
  • 上述的內容即為The rank theory
  • The invertible theorem
    • is matrix(square)
      1. columns of form basis of
      2. columns of are independent
    • 1, 2指的是沒有free variable,自然是唯一解
    • 或從空間的角度來看,只要能夠在n為空間中提供n個pivot,那麼組成任意向量即可行
    • 這一點與3,4,5,6,7說的是一樣的事情
    • 應該說是,這7點其實都在講差不多的事情