


Linear transformations

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  • A transformation :
    • maps in to in
  • T is a linear transformation if
  • Some linear transformation example:
    • Rotation in
    • Reflection in
  • Some instresting transformation(but not linear!)
    • Translation
    • Length
  • Question: Is any a linear transformation?
    • Let's check it by definition
      • We know
      • $T(cv) = A(cv) = cA(v) = cT(v)
    • The answer is: Yes
  • Composition of two trasformations:
    • It's possible to combine multiple linear transformation to one.
    • If and are linear,their combination is also linear.
    • Combination order matters, not always equal to

Language of transformations

  • is a transformation
    • : domain, : codomain
    • : the image of v
    • kernel of = the set of in that
    • Range of = = the set of all images
    • If is a linear transformation
      • We'll try to prove that by linear transformation's definition
      • is a subspace of
        • if , then
        • if , then
      • is a subspace of
        • if , , then
        • if , then
    • = range of , Rank of =
    • Nullify of =
  • One to one
    • The linear transformation is one to one if for any
  • Onto
    • A linear transformation is onto if
  • Isomorphism(同形)
    • A one-to-one linear transformation is onto is an isomorphism
  • Linear trans. V.S. Matrix calculation
    • Suppose , is
    • = the set of 's that = Nullspace of =
    • = the set of all images = column space of =
    • == ==
  • Recall Rank theorem
    • is one-to-one = = is full column rank(only one solution)
    • T is onto = = = is full row rank(has solution)
    • T is isomorphism
      • A is full rank

Coordinate systems and general vector spaces

  • Recall unique representation theorem
    • there exists one and only one way to express any in as a linear combination of
    • Coordinate vecotr in the basis :
    • Let's suppose a basis ,then we want to map a vecotr (which is within ) to ,and and are isomorphism
      • We can achive that by:
  • General vector spaces(optional)
    • With defined vector addition and scalar multiplication
    1. exist a unique 0 satisfied
    2. for any , there exists ,

Matrices of linear transformations

  • Suppose we have a vector in space
    • Let's say is our input vector
    • is space 's basis
  • is the Input coordinate vector
    • i.e.
  • Then,
    • is the basis of
    • is our output vector
    • i.e.
  • One question is: Is there exist a matirx Satisfied ? (The red path in our figure)
    • 我們可以回想一下定義
    • Input vector
      • 把係數提出來就是, 所以
    • 則Output vector
      • 不要忘記線性轉換的基本定義!
    • 而我們稱呼原本在基底空間中的座標向量為
      • 中的基底向量, 中的係數
      • 因此
    • 我們可以思考一下,空間的基底向量經過轉換成中的向量後,一定可以被空間的基底組合出來
      • 組合所使用的係數就可以說它是A矩陣的第一列(col),把每一列係數放到一個矩陣裡,就是A矩陣!
    • 所以結論就是:
    • 所以圖表中的紅色路線的確存在!